September 25, 2011

Weekly Update: Sept. 26th-30th

Picture Retakes will be Thursday, October 27th.
Student grades are updated online each Wednesday. If you don't know how to check your student's grades, email me and I'll send detailed instructions.

What's Happening This Week:

Language Arts: Students who were prepared on Friday participated in their first literature circle discussion last week. Those who were not prepared lost those class participation points. This week we'll be continuing to work on study skills and time management as we read Stargirl and work on introductions and conclusions for paragraphs.
· Weekly work: Literature Circle Reflections (required as a self-reflection, even if they didn't participate in the discussion), Book Notes (pages 59-89), Single paragraph organizer
· Quiz Monday on Ch. 1-13, Stargirl

Social Studies: We will test our knowledge of the geography of the ancient world, and share the findings of our group research on the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. Students who have completed all work and passed all quizzes will be able to create a 'virtual tour' using Google Earth.
· Weekly work: Warmup log, 7 Wonders
· Project: Groups will present their research. Individuals who are ready will do a Google Earth tour. Those who are not ready will be studying and re-taking quizzes or finishing missing work instead.
· Quiz: Ancient World Map Quiz on Wednesday. Next week there will be a 'Jeopardy' style quiz over their knowledge of the 7 Wonders.

Science & Math: Check your student's planner for updates on assignments in math and science.

September 22, 2011

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Here are the links to use for your 7 Wonders of the Ancient World research (check all three sites - you may find different information on each one!)

When you are done researching your ancient Wonder:
1. Have your teacher check your notecards
2. Plan your group presentation to the class (3-5 minutes!)
3. Follow the link below and see if you can find the answers to these questions:
  • Name at least two historians that put together the list of the 7 Wonders
  • Why were 7 chosen?
  • What was the purpose of the list?
  • During what time period (name the years) would you have to have lived in order to see all 7 Wonders?

September 18, 2011

Weekly Update: Sept. 19th-23rd


Every Tuesday is ‘college day’ attire, and every Friday is ‘Hawk Pride’ blue and gold attire day. We encourage students to wear clothing to show their pride on those days!

What's Happening This Week:

Language Arts: As we continue to read Stargirl, students are learning how to synthesize information and write concise summaries of what they have read. They are also learning how to prepare for literature circle discussions by choosing a couple of unfamiliar vocabulary words to study and answering higher-order thinking questions about the week’s reading.

  • Weekly work: Book Notes (pages 30-56), Literature Circle Preparation (pages 30-56), Single paragraph organizer

Social Studies: We will continue working on map skills and create and study a map of the ancient world. Students will also learn about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World and research one of those wonders in small groups. Those groups that complete their research cards on Thursday will be able to begin a Google Earth technology project on Friday.

  • Weekly work: Warmup log, Maps of Ancient World
  • Project: Group research notecards due Friday
  • Quiz: Ancient World Map Quiz next week!

Science & Math: Check your student’s planner for updates on assignments in math and science.

September 12, 2011

Summer Postcard

Want a fun challenge option? Try using this online postcard creator to write about your best summer experience!

Postcard Creator

September 11, 2011

Weekly Update: Sept. 12-16th

Welcome to the first ‘Weekly Update’ email!

All 6th grade teachers expect students to write assignments in their planners. Check these for daily updates.

Weekly classwork assignments in Mrs. Beaudry’s language arts and social studies classes are due each Friday. Students who have not completed work by Friday are expected to finish it as homework over the weekend and turn it in no later than Monday.

What's Happening This Week:

Picture day and Open House is this Thursday, Sept. 15th!

Language Arts: We will finish our first technology project, our ‘Bio Podcast.’ We will also begin reading the novel, 'Stargirl.’ As we read, students will be writing daily summaries and learning how to prepare for literature circle discussions.

  • Weekly work: Podcast, Book Notes, Literature Circle Preparation, “Don’t Give Up” paragraph

Social Studies: We will be working on map skills and beginning to create a map of the ancient world.

  • Weekly work: Warmup log, Parallels & Meridians geography packet, Four Hemispheres geography packet
  • Quiz: Geography quiz Friday

Science & Math: Check your student’s planner for updates on assignments in math and science.

Math Facts Practice

Need some help getting those math facts down? Here are some great websites for practicing your speed and accuracy!

HINT: Hold down the 'apple' key next to the space bar when you click and it will open in a new tab!

Math Magician Games
The ArithmAttack
123 Games
AAA Math
Quick Flash